Senior High Jazz Material

  • Etudes

    Students should prepare the designated etudes in Jim Snidero’s “Jazz Concepton” book. Links to purchase the book are included.

  • Sightreading

    Students will be expected to perform a short sightreading selection.

  • Chromatic Scale/Comping

    Students will be expected to perform their chromatic scale or comp over chord changes as outlined below.
    - Saxophones starting on low C - 2 Octaves.
    - Trumpets starting on low C - 2 Octaves or as high as range will allow.
    - Trombones starting on low Bb - 2 Octaves or as high as range will allow.
    - Guitar, Bass, and Piano Players will be asked to comp over basic chord changes provided in the audition.
    - Drummers will be asked to play 8 measures of 2 of the following beats (Swing, Latin, Brush Pattern, Rock, Funk, or Jazz Waltz).

  • Improvisation

    Students are encouraged, but not required, to improv over standard chord changes to John Coltrane’s “Impressions.”

    A backing track to “Impressions” can be found below.

Improvisation Backing Track

Each improv exercise should be played with a backing track. The “Impressions” backing track can be streamed here.